Story:Web (2020-2021)

Story:Web is a proposal for how museum collections, images and sounds shared online, and personal memories and experiences can be connected to make sense of global issues like climate change. It was a winning entry to the Reimagining Museums for Climate Action design challenge that was exhibited up to and during COP26 the United Nations’ climate change conference. Story:Web is also a demonstration of a digital museum exhibit that uses images and sounds placed within a virtual space to show how the connections between museum objects, personal experiences, and environmental issues can be made visible and audible.

Explore the interactive demo here (headphones recommended), read more about the project here, and watch the video.

I led this collaboration between Open Lab at Newcastle University, the Great North Museum: Hancock, Dr Sarah Mander of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and The Centre for Climate Change and Social Transitions, and contemporary musician, field recordist and sound artist David de la Haye. I also devised the initial Story:Web concept, led the competition application, and designed the visual and interactive elements of the interactive demo.